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The Bible and You!

The Bible - Where my heart is at peace.

The Bible - Where sorrow never triumphs

The Bible - The source of hope for humanity

The Bible - The book that constantly inspires me

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work”.

2 Timothy 3:16

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2 comentários

Rubby Jarrett
Rubby Jarrett
06 de fev. de 2019

Great addition dear. I pray for grace and understanding for everyone 🙏🏾. Amen. Thanks 🙂


06 de fev. de 2019

I just watched the video on *the bible and you*

I just want to share/add my view on this.

The bible is a prophetic book. Any spirit can interpret the scriptures to the read. Thus, there is always a need for prayers to be made for the Holy Spirit to interpret and give life to the wold.

Also His interpretation to you on a particular scripture might not be the same to another. Cuz the race is most times personal and less collective.

Keep the good work RadicalRubby.

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