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Sharing You!

Heyyyy You! Yes you! When last did you do something outside your normal daily routines (Boring!!!) 🙄.

You were created to live and not exist. You were created for the benefit of others and the world at large. It’s time to live for others by sharing your personal resources:

Your time

Your space

Your talent

Your emotions

All for the positive impact of others.

As Christians, we all form up the body of Jesus Christ and therefore need to work together and carry each other along in order to keep the body functioning.

We all possess the ability to put a smile on someone’s face and to give someone a reason to be alive.

Do not give up your God given attributes because of past hurts or experiences. Do not let the world define you, only God should.

Make a decision today! Share you! God sees!

1 Corinthians 12:25

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