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Beauty - Part 1 (Q&A)

This week I decided to do something different. I decided to seek the opinion of others and learn from their life experiences as they share their opinion on the following questions:

1. What beauty means to them?

2. What beauty flaw they possess or What body feature/character attribute they get teased about the most?

3. How they have been able to overcome it and still feel beautiful?

I will also love to have your feedback on this. 🙂

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2 comentarios

Rubby Jarrett
Rubby Jarrett
16 may 2019

Oh nice!!!! Very detailed dear. So Michael has gotten himself a partner. Alright, we will see how this goes 😁

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Chukwudi Jarrett
16 may 2019

1. For me beauty means to find satisfaction in what you're looking at, whether it's in nature, a person, an idea etc. In this context of human beauty, I must agree with Michael. It's about how satisfied you are in what you're looking at. Certain ratios tend to appeal to us as humans and that's what we respond to when we see someone beautiful. You can find inner beauty in someone after getting to know them, but that doesn't make them change physically in your eyes.

2. Got teased about my nose and lips while growing up. Even my posture. At the same time I was told the exact same features were attractive by others. I myself I'm not a…

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